Privacy Policy for

At Aneo, we collect and process data about you, and the information we collect varies depending on the actions you take on our website. Here you can read about what we have access to, how we process your data, and what rights you have.

This Privacy Policy provides information about

  1. Contact details

  2. The purposes of our personal data processing
  3. What personal data we collect
  4. Your rights
  5. Storage
  6. Third parties and data disclosure
  7. Automated processing, e.g., profiling
  8. Changes



1. Contact details 

When you use, Aneo is the controller of the collected personal data. Aneo is a group that includes other companies, among them Aneo Build, Aneo Mobility, Aneo Industry, Aneo Retail, and Aneo Real Estate and Construction. 

Please get in touch if you have questions about our personal data processing:

Aneo A/S
Klæbuveien 118
7031 Trondheim

Tel: +47 73 60 30 00

2. Purpose of processing personal data

We collect, process and use your personal data for various purposes, depending on who you are and the nature of our contact with you. Our overall purpose in processing your personal data is to deliver the services you expect from us and be able to provide you with better information, service and support. 

The data is used to administrate and manage your customer relationship with us, whether you are already a customer or have contacted us for information, an inspection, or get added to our mailing list. Information about how customers use our products can be applied to the generation of statistics/analysis work and product improvement. The data may also be used to conduct marketing, but only if you have given your consent.

3. What we collect

Data about your visits to our website and cookie usage

When you visit our website, your usage data is logged. For example, a log is generated when you view or click on content on the website, or when you make a search. In connection with this, we use cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer when you load a website.

We process personal data on the basis of a balance of interests. We consider it necessary for us to do this in order to adapt our website to our users. However, we safeguard your privacy by only using the data for statistics purposes. Any data about you is anonymised in these statistics (for an explanation of what cookies are, visit ).

Cookies used to record what you do on our website contain an ID number, which stays on your device between visits to the site. This means that you are basically anonymous, but we may still collect data about what you and others do on the site over time. Among other things, we collect data about which pages on our website you visit and other activities on the website, as well as general information about your browser and computer/mobile phone and your IP address (in anonymised form).

This data collection serves two purposes.

The first purpose is to provide us with information about how our websites are used, so that we are better able to improve your user experience, make the website work better, and analyse our traffic. For this purpose, we use Google Analytics to collect and store data, but we make sure that the data is not shared with others or used for other purposes. Without this information, it would be difficult for us to design a website that caters to our customers’ needs, and the basis for the Google Analytics processing is thus a balance of interests.  

The second purpose is to be able to provide you with personalised and customised marketing, including personalised product advertisements in other channels and on other websites (e.g., social media), or to measure the effectiveness of such marketing. To achieve this, we allow advertising providers such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft to tie the data about your use of the website to their cookies and their ID numbers. This enables them to link together information from many different websites, so that we can show you relevant ads elsewhere on the internet, and so that they can enrich the user interest profile they have about you, so that you generally get more targeted ads from other companies, as well. The basis for this processing is your active consent, which you gave when you accepted marketing cookies or clicked “Allow all” on our cookie banner.

Our cookie overview page provides a full overview, with more details about the cookies used on our website. You can also change or withdraw your consent to our use of cookies.

Data tied to our processing of job applications

Job applications are processed using the Webcruiter recruitment system, of which Webcruiter AS is the data processor. When they apply for a job at Aneo, applicants consent to have their data stored in electronic archives. This data is not sold, traded or passed on to third parties. The processed information includes CVs, applications, certificates and references. Personal data processing is conducted on the basis of consent, which you gave when you submitted your application.

Data related to newsletter mailings

When you sign up or opt to receive newsletters and/or text messages from us, you agree that we can store and use personal data about you. We register and store your name, address, mobile number and e-mail. This personal data is processed on the basis of a balance of interests. We consider this necessary for us to be able to send you newsletters. We will continue to store your e-mail address and telephone number until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time through the “Unsubscribe” section of the newsletter.

We use your e-mail address and telephone number to send you information about products, news, promotions and more. 

When you open a newsletter sent via e-mail or click on a link in an e-mail or text message, this is registered in our systems and allows us to track of how many people receive and react to our mailings. The data we have collected about you can be used to segment our mailings, so that we can provide you with relevant and customised marketing.

Data related to answering enquiries (e-mails, forms and telephone numbers)

To respond to enquiries received by phone, form, or e-mail, we store data including your name, telephone number, e-mail address, any previous e-mail history, and any other personal data provided in connection with your enquiry. This personal data is processed on the basis of a balance of interests. We consider this necessary for us to help you with your enquiry, and the information is therefore logged as part of your customer relationship with us. 

Data related to event invitations

To invite you to events, openings and the like, we use data such as your e-mail address and any personal data tied to the invitation. This personal data is processed on the basis of a balance of interests. We consider this necessary for us to be able to invite you to events. Contact us if you wish to unsubscribe from such an invitation list.

Data about your customer relationship

Data about your customer relationship is primarily used to manage the customer relationship. This includes contact information, transaction information, and information about your orders and how you use the service. This personal data processing is conducted on the basis of consent, which you give when you enter into the customer relationship.

Data about your use of our services

Information such as charging history and consumption data related to charging systems, charging stations and charging subscriptions, information about the charging system, such as parking space blueprints and technical information, is collected from the charging unit. This data, together with information about your customer relationship, is used for statistics and analysis that allow us to improve and develop our service, examine sales trends and consumption patterns, and evolve our business. This personal data processing is conducted on the basis of consent, which you gave when you enter into the customer relationship.

4. Your rights

Your rights when we process personal data about you:

  1. Information: You have the right to receive information about the personal data we process about you. In this policy, we inform you about how we process personal data. You can also contact us if you would like more information. 
  2. Access: You have the right to demand access to the personal data processed about you. Please contact us if you want access.
  3. Amendment and erasure: You can also ask us to correct incorrect information we have about you or ask us to erase personal data. 
  4. Processing on the basis of consent: If we process personal data on the basis of your consent, you may revoke your consent at any time. The easiest way to do this is to use the method described when you gave your consent. You can also contact us. You can revoke your consent to receive newsletters through appropriate links included in the e-mails you have received.
  5. Right to restrict or object to processing: In certain cases, you have the right to have the processing restricted. For example, you can do so if: 
  • You contest the accuracy of the personal data. In such an instance, we will stop processing the data for a period of time while we verify the accuracy of the personal data.
  • The processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your personal data, requesting instead that the use of your personal data be restricted. 
  • We no longer need the personal data for the purpose of the processing, but you require the information to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

You may also object to processing pending consideration of whether our legitimate interests override your privacy. 

  1. The right to data portability: As regards data that you have provided to us, that is necessary for the performance of an agreement with us, and which is processed automatically (i.e., not manually by us), you may request to have your personal data provided or transferred to another supplier in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability). 
  2. Automated processing, including profiling: This is discussed in more detail later in this policy.
  3. File a complaint with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority: If you find that our processing of personal data is not in accordance with what we have described here or that we are otherwise in violation of privacy laws, you can complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. 

You can find more information about your rights and how to contact the Norwegian Data Protection Authority on their website:

Please contact us if you have any questions related to the exercise of your rights or our processing of personal data. Our contact details can be found at the top of this policy.

5. Storage

In general, we store your data for as long as is necessary for the purpose of the processing, as long as this does not conflict with applicable laws and personal data storage regulations. This storage is justified by current requirements for the storage of accounting documentation, and is also necessary to safeguard the customer’s interests in connection with possible complaints and other consequences of the customer relationship, as well as the need to have access to a history of interactions and deliveries made at the request of the customer. 

We delete all data related to customer relationships as soon as the customer relationship is considered terminated. We consider a customer relationship to be terminated 3 years after the last delivery to the customer was made, unless other subsequent interactions indicate that the customer relationship remains ongoing. 

Personal data that we process on the basis of your consent will be deleted if you withdraw your consent, as long as this does not conflict with applicable legislation on the storage of special personal data.  

Data that the Accounting Act obliges us to keep for at least 5 years will be deleted as soon as the storage requirement has expired. We secure personal data through both physical and virtual access control.

6. Third parties and data disclosure

We do not disclose your personal data to others unless there is a legal basis for such disclosure, or grounds for a police report or civil legal process. Examples of such a basis will typically be an agreement with you, a situation in which you witness an unwanted event, documentation of threatening behaviour, vandalism or sabotage, or a legal basis that requires us to disclose the data. 

Other than the third parties covered here in this statement, we will never sell or disclose your personal data to third parties/outsiders. Third parties also do not have the right to access or use your data for purposes other than those described above. This is covered in our data processing agreements with subcontractors/third parties.

Visits to our website

We use cookies to personalise content and ads, analyse site traffic, and deliver social media features. To this end, we share information about how you use our website with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Our partners will combine that information with other information that you have made available to them or they have collected through your use of their services. 

Our third-party providers include:

As a recipient of our newsletters

We use services from Salesforce and Microsoft for the administration and mailing of our newsletters. Your contact data will thus be stored in their databases.

For a detailed description of how Salesforce processes personal data, see their Privacy Policy

Administration and handling of payments

We use PayEx for the administration and sending of invoices, as well as to handle payments. Your contact data will thus be stored in their databases. For a detailed description of how PayEx processes personal data, see their Privacy Policy.

Transfer to other countries

Several of the third party-supplied systems we use are based on the storage of data outside the EU/EEA, primarily in the USA. We are aware of the challenges of complying with European regulations (the GDPR) when data is physically stored in other countries, and in particular the consequences of the Schrems II judgment. We are striving to adopt or switch to systems and suppliers that store data within the EEA or in approved third countries, but must recognise that in many cases this is practically or financially difficult, particularly considering the cost of changing suppliers. The perceived risk of storing data in other countries revolves around uncertainty about information security, the ability of other countries’ authorities to demand access to the data material, and limited opportunities for you to assert your rights. Our assessment is that the systems we use that store data in other countries contain little personal data that will be of interest or value to authorities or other actors, and that the risk of infringement of your privacy is limited.

8. Automated processing, e.g., profiling

No automated processing (including profiling) based on your personal data will occur that produces legal effects or significantly affects those to whom the personal data relates.

9. Changes

Should there be a change in our services or the regulations on the processing of personal data, this may result in the amendment of the information provided in this Privacy Policy. If we have your contact details, we will notify you of any significant changes. Otherwise, up-to-date information will always be readily available on our website.

Production environment